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  About NERI
The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) is affiliated with the Danish Ministry of the Environment. NERI's mission is to provide the scientific basis and information for decisions in areas where political, administrative and commercial activities are important to the environment. NERI performs strategic and applied research and is responsible for collection and the overall management and co-ordination of data on nature and the environment. As a research institute NERI is separated from the political/administrative system when carrying out research and monitoring.

NERI has a long tradition for monitoring marine areas. As part of NERI's national obligations, NERI has implemented protocols for data collection and quality control for the Danish marine monitoring programme as well as holding the national database of the monitoring program. NERI is responsible for evaluating long-term changes in Danish waters, especially the changes in the concentrations and fluxes of nutrients.

Until recently research on the marine environment was covered by two departments at NERI, The Marine Ecology Department in Roskilde and Lake and Estuarine Department in Silkeborg. The dedicated marine researchers from the Lake and Estuarine Department are now part of the Marine Ecology Department (MAR), though still working in Silkeborg. The Freshwater Ecology Department (FEVØ) is dedicated freshwater systems. The department supplies supervisors to CREAM due to their skills in the development of models describing nutrient runoff from agricultural areas and of stream and lake ecosystems.

Read more about the two departments and their surroundings on the following page. 

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NERI Roskilde
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde

NERI Silkeborg
Vejlsøvej 25
DK-8600 Silkeborg

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