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Professor Bo Riemann (Director of Research Department. PhD)
Aquatic ecology and ecotoxicology: production and decomposition of organic matter in pelagic environments, ecosystem functioning and effect studies of contaminants.
bri@dmu.dk - MAR - Roskilde |
Jens Kjerulf Petersen (Senior scientist. PhD)
Experimental biology: ecophysiology and population dynamics of benthic suspension feeders and bentho-pelagic coupling in coastal waters with emphasis on the role of suspension
jkp@dmu.dk - MAR - Roskilde |
Nils Risgaard-Petersen (Senior scientist. PhD)
Estuarine nutrient cycling: interactions between benthic primary producers, benthic algae and submerged plants, and bacterial processes associated to the nitrogen cycle.
nri@dmu.dk - MAR - Silkeborg |
Søren Rysgaard (Senior scientist. PhD)
Carbon and nitrogen cycles: global change.
Marine microbiology and biogeochemistry, benthic-pelagic coupling and nutrient cycling in coastal waters.
sr@dmu.dk - MAR - Silkeborg |
Martin Søndergaard (Senior scientist. PhD)
Sediment-water interactions, biological structure in freshwater and brackish lakes, phytoplankton, lake restoration, biomanipulation, submerged macrophytes and Neomysis in brackish
ms@dmu.dk - FEVØ - Silkeborg |
Ærtebjerg (Senior advisor. MSc)
Assessment of the state and development of eutrophication in marine pelagic systems.
Development, conduction and management of marine monitoring programs. Co-ordination of the Danish marine monitoring program. Participated in the monitoring and assessment work of HELCOM.
gae@dmu.dk - MAR - Roskilde |
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