3. Workshop - 23-25 August 2004, Tallinn, Estonia
Towards operational management of coastal eutrophication in Europe
Presentations from the meeting:
Announcement (PDF-file)
Registration and submission of abstracts by 1st July 2004.
More information can be found on the workshop homepage:
Preliminary programme (PDF-file).
Second CHARM Dialogue meeting
26 - 27 April 2004, Copenhagen
Powerpoint presentations from the meeting:
First CHARM Dialogue meeting
31 March - 1 April 2003
2. Workshop - 8-11 April 2003, Isle of Vilm, Germany
Minutes from workshop 8-11 April 2003 (Word-file)
First announcement for the 2nd CHARM workshop "Integrated ecosystem view on reference conditions"
Preregistration (PDF-file - Word-file)
1. Workshop - 15-16 January 2002 in
Participant list
Annex A
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Annex 6
Annex 7