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The EC Water Framework Directive
CHARM has been developed to provide a scientific foundation for fulfilling the requirements of the EC Water Framework Directive. This official EU-site attemps to clarify the objectives of the different water directives, their achievements, the difficulties one may encounter when implimenting them and the most recent developments.

BERNET - Baltic Eutrofication Regional Network
BERNET is a network co-operation between 7 regions around the Baltic Sea. The aim of BERNET is to improve the management of eutrophication problems in the Baltic Sea Area - i.e. the polution of the aquatic environment with the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous.
Five reports on the topics: Water Quality Planning, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Waste Water Management, Wetland Management and Aquatic Monitoring and Assessment are available at the website.

Environmental Quality Criteria for Coasts and Seas
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has developed different assesment criteria that are intented to facilitate the interpretation of data on polution of coastal and marine environtments, and physical disturbances along shorelines.

European Environment Agency
The EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public.

HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commision

BOING - Baltic On-Line Interactive Geographical and Environmental Service
The BOING pages aims at making online, public information on eutrophication in the Baltic Sea more readily and easy to use.

Baltic Alien Species Database
The Baltic Sea Alien Species Database is seen as a regional node in the future Global Information System for Invasive Species.


This page presents links of relevance to the EC Water Framework Directive and the Environment of the Baltic Sea area.

The Project Timetable Partners Workpackages Workshops Meetings Publications Links Restricted area