[NERI] [U.Surrey] [U.Karlsruhe] [ETHZ] [ECN] [IBAL] [LHTEE/AUT] [CERC] [TNO] [MIHU]

Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (ECN), France

Main topics:

Current Research:

CFD modelling of turbulent flows and pollutant dispersion at street-to-urban scales: For more information on the current research activities look at http://www.ec-nantes.fr/F_Serveur/Recherche/DEE/dah/dah.htm. For information on the URBCAP project look at http://terac712.hmg.inpg.fr/

Proposed work within TRAPOS project:

Quantifying the influence on flows, pollutant mixing and dispersion within streets of the four following factors:
  1. the thermal convection induced by the differential heating of the wall and street surfaces due to (solar) radiation exchanges and heat storages,
  2. the air motion and the turbulence induced by the vehicles themselves,
  3. the geometrical structure of the surrounding quarter in non-simple geometries and the presence of horizontal fluxes of pollutants at ground level,
  4. the exchanges of momentum, heat and various components of the urban pollution at the canopy-atmosphere interface at roof level.

Positions offered

Optimisation of Modelling Methods for
Traffic Pollution in Streets - TRAPOS