About NERI

The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) is a research institute affiliated to the Danish Ministry of the Environment and Energy. NERI's mission is to provide the scientific basis and environmental information for decisions in areas where political, administrative and commercial activities are important to Nature and the external environment.

 NERI performs strategic and applied research and is responsible for collection and the overall management and coordination of data on nature and the environment. NERI is also committed to providing the environmental authorities with extensive guidance and professional support, in particular The Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the National Forest and Nature Agency of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy.

 As a research institute NERI is independent of the political/administrative system when carrying out research and monitoring and presenting the results. This separation is ensured in the legislation regulating NERI which places the overall management of NERI in the hands of a board representing both research and consumer interests.


Organization and finance

NERI's structure includes the Board of Governors, the Office of the Director General and the Deputy Director General, the R&D Section, the Personnel and Economy Secretariat and seven research departments. The departments are located in Roskilde near Copenhagen, and in Silkeborg and Kalø near Århus. In Roskilde and Silkeborg fully equipped modern laboratories were built in 1991. The facilities are meeting all relevant safety obligations in connection with the handling of toxic substances and genetically engineered microorganisms.

 NERI's total turnover in 1994 amounts DKK 188 Million equivalent to US $ 31 Million. The personnel figure is about 450 staff members, including 30 PhD students. Of NERI's resources about 40% is used on research and about 60% on monitoring, data activities and professional guidance of authorities.


NERI's tasks

The research at NERI comprises a broad section of disciplines and is undertaken in cooperation with national and international research institutes and in formal research centres in order to maintain high scientific standards and to facilitate co-ordination of research activities. NERI's current research areas are: Atmospheric Research, Environmental & Analytical Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Microbiology, Marine Ecology, Estuarine Ecology, Lake Ecology, Streams and Catchment Areas, Arable Land Ecology, Uncultivated Areas and Woodlands, Population Ecology, Systems Analysis, Traffic & Environment and Environmental Data.

 NERI is National Data Center for freshwater, marine and air pollution as well as game species data and has the responsibility for international data bases on waterfowl.


International collaboration

The European Environmental Agency will play a vital role in the European cooperation on environmental data. The Community has established the Agency in Denmark and NERI has been nominated as National Focal Point. In addition NERI participates in two of the first European thematic centers established within the frame of the Agency. NERI has contributed to the pan-European publication describing the state of the environment in Europe, Europe's Environment 1993, and participates in the development of an information system for exchange of data between European countries. Besides normal international scientific contacts with universities abroad NERI participates in several international research networks and undertakes professional data tasks in connection with Denmark's adoption of various international conventions e.g. reporting environmental information to ECE, HELCOM, PARCOM, EMEP etc.


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