from the DCAR workshop on Practical Short-Range Atmospheric
Dispersion Models
During May 6-8, 1992, more than 100 experts in air pollution
modelling from 17 European countries, as well as the USA and
Israel, met at Risø, Denmark for the first of three planned
workshops on Practical Short-Range Atmospheric Dispersion Models.
In the final discussion the experts agreed upon the following
- The practical atmospheric dispersion models which are
presently used for regulatory purposes are based on
25-year old research (Pasquill-Gifford type stability
classes, simple Gaussian dispersion schemes, i.a.).
During the past 25 years, research in atmospheric
dispersion has progressed substantially, thus rendering
the presently used regulatory models outdated.
Consequently, there is now a need for development and
practical implementation of computer codes based on our
present knowledge of atmospheric dispersion.
The Commission of the European Communities is asked to promote
actions toward:
- The development of state-of-the-art practical models for
regulatory purposes.
- The establishment of standard data bases for model
verification, based on both past and future experiments.
- Harmonisation within the field of regulatory models.
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of the Initiative on Harmonisation
within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Regulatory