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In English

Theoretical evaluation of the sediment/water exchange desription in generic compartment models (SimpleBox)

By Sørensen, P.B., Fauser, P., Carlsen, L., and Vikelsøe, J.

Technical report from NERI, no. 360


It is shown how diffusion and deposition of solids drive the flux of substance between the water column and the sediment. The generic compartment models (Mackay type) use a one box model for the sediment in order to keep the calculations simple. However, when diffusion needs to be included in the calculations, the one box model needs to be evaluated in relation to a more complete solution of the differential equations for diffusion. General guidelines that are based on the system parameters are set up in order to establish the importance of diffusion and deposition respectively. These define the range where diffusion or deposition is negligible or where both processes must be included in order to describe the sediment-water substance exchange most appropriately.

Full report in pdf-format (1.003 KB)


Helle Thomsen


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