In august 2001 NERI collected samples to study the pollution at Mestersvig in East Greenland, where a leadzinc was in production from 1956 to 1963. The studies covered the marine environment at Mestersvig, the terrestrial environment at the mine site and along the road, the harbour area at Nyhavn, and the inlet "Noret". Studies of thhe terrestrial environment were a part of the EU-financed project "MINEO" which aims at investigating the potential for use of hyperspectral data in monitoring pollution from mines.
Chemical analyses of marine samples show, that there is still a significant zinc- and leadpollution in Kong Oscars Fjord. The pollution appears as elevated levels of lead and zinc in beach sand, river sediments, seaweed and sculpins. Pollution is largely at the same level as in 1996, while it has been significantly higher earlier.
There is no substantial changes in the terrestrial environment since 1979. Lead- and zincpollution at the mine site is still high close to the tailingsdeposit, but concentrations along the road to Nyhavn and at Nyhavn are clearly above baseline levels. The most polluted areas, the tailings deposit and deposited tailings along the river could be detected by use of hyperspectral data recorded by an airborne sensor (Mineo project).