Jord Vand Luft Dyr og planter Grønland Samfund
  Udgivelser Overvågning Om DMU Viden for alle Nyheder
In English

English summary

The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme (LMP IV) has been revised in accordance with the Framework Directive and the first three daughter directives of SO2, NOx/NO2, PM10, lead, benzene, CO and ozone. Only a PM10 monitor at an urban background location in Odense is missing. The data sets for year 2002 are almost complete for all stations. The monitoring programme consists of 10 stations plus 2 extra stations under the Municipality of Copenhagen.

The limit value of the annual average of NO2 was in 2002 exceeded at three street stations. At one station (Copenhagen/1103) the limit value + the margin of tolerance (58 µg/m3 in 2002) was exceeded. The trend seems to have been stabilised after several years of decrease.

The ozone level was in 2002 - more or less - the same at all rural and urban background stations and no clear trend is observed. The information threshold on 180 µg/m3 was not exceeded. The target values were not exceeded, but the long-term objectives of max 8 hours on 120 µg/m3 were exceeded at all urban background and rural stations. The long term objective for AOT40 at 6000 µg/m3 *hours were exceeded in a few cases.

The limit value of PM10 on 50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times per year and to comply with in 2005, was in 2002 exceeded at 3 out of 4 street stations. At all stations both limits values to be met in 2010 (annual average value on 20 µg/m3 and 50 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 7 times per year) were exceeded at all stations (including the rural station Keldsnor). PM10 is 60-70% of TSP. The trend of TSP has been clear decreasing the last 15 years.

The SO2 and lead levels are still decreasing and far below the limit values. The limit values for benzene and CO are not exceeded and the levels are close to the levels in year 2001.

Actual data, quarterly reports, annual summaries and summaries over many year are available at the homepage of NERI on "".

Full report in pdf. format (392 KB)

Helle Thomsen


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